Algorithm: Display Celsius
1. Ask the user to enter a temperature in fahrenheit
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
3. Ask user if they wish to continue
3.1 If no close, if yes continue
4. Done
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ConvertFahToCelMethod{
public static void main(String[] args){
//Initialize cont to be a string, so y or n works
String cont = new String("y");
//Initiate scanner to be a scanner
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
//loop until n is printed
while(cont != "n"){
//print text & get fahrenheit of the user
System.out.print("Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: ");
double fahrenheit = scanner.nextInt();
//Display result & text
System.out.print("Your temperature in Celsius is: "+fahToCel(fahrenheit));
//Continue or not? y = yes, n = no
System.out.print("Do you want to continue? ");
//Ask user if they wish to continue, n = no, y = yes
cont = scanner.next();
//A double method named fahToCel 1 number received in the main function
public static double fahToCel(double num1){
//Do the math
double celsius = (num1 - 32)*5/9;
//Return the double value/result
return celsius;