viewing paste Unknown #8906 | C

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#0  0x00000000004e0dd5 in itemdb_readdb_sql_sub (handle=0x7ffff66b9e0c, n=0,
    source=0xa13e0c "item_db2") at itemdb.c:1682
        id = {nameid = 31000,
          name = "Destiny_Badge", '\000' <repeats 36 times>,
          jname = "Destiny Badge", '\000' <repeats 36 times>, value_buy = 2,
          value_sell = 1, type = 3, maxchance = 0, sex = 2, equip = 0,
          weight = 10, atk = 0, def = 0, range = 0, slot = 0, look = 0,
          elv = 0, wlv = 0, view_id = 0, matk = 0, elvmax = 0, delay = 0,
          class_base = {9983, 9983, 8446}, class_upper = 7, mob = {{
              chance = 0, id = 0}, {chance = 0, id = 0}, {chance = 0, id = 0},
            {chance = 0, id = 0}, {chance = 0, id = 0}}, script = 0x0,
          equip_script = 0x0, unequip_script = 0x0, flag = {available = 0,
            no_refine = 1, delay_consume = 0, trade_restriction = 0,
            autoequip = 0, buyingstore = 0, bindonequip = 0}, stack = {
            amount = 0, inventory = 0, cart = 0, storage = 0,
            guildstorage = 0}, item_usage = {flag = 0, override = 0},
          gm_lv_trade_override = 0, combos = 0x0, combos_count = 0 '\000',
          group = 0x0, package = 0x0}
        data = 0x0
#1  0x00000000004dff59 in itemdb_read_sqldb () at itemdb.c:1910
        i = 1
        count = 0
        item_db_name = {0xa13dec "item_db", 0xa13e0c "item_db2"}
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
Viewed 831 times, submitted by Guest.