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II.    Page Management
A.    Page Names and Facebook Web Addresses
Page names and Facebook Web Addresses must accurately reflect Page content. We may remove administrative rights or require you to change the Page name and Facebook Web Address for any Page that fails to meet this requirement.
Page names must:
i.    not consist solely of generic terms (e.g., “beer” or “pizza”);
ii.    use proper, grammatically correct capitalization and may not include all capitals, except for acronyms;
iii.    not include character symbols, such as excessive punctuation and trademark designations;
iv.    not include superfluous descriptions or unnecessary qualifiers;
v.    not mislead others into thinking it is an official Page of the Page’s subject matter or is authorized by an authorized representative of the Page’s subject matter; and
vi.    not violate someone’s rights.
B.    Name Changes and Migrations
We will only process name changes and migrations that do not result in a misleading or unintended connection. For example, we will allow local to global migrations, such as “Facebook France” to “Facebook”, but will not allow global to local migrations, or location to location migrations, such as “Facebook France” to “Facebook Russia”. Additionally, you may not request a name change or migration that would result in re-categorizing a product Page to a brand Page, a generic or opinion Page to a brand Page, or a Group to a Page. All migrations are at our discretion and are final.
Viewed 1166 times, submitted by Pneuma.