//===== Hercules Script =======================================
//= New Novice Training Grounds
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Streusel
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= Hercules
//===== Description: =========================================
//= New Novice Training Grounds
//= [Hand Scripted (No Programs or AEGIS Scripts)]
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version. [Streusel]
//= Credits to whoever made Sprakki.
// Sprakki (Stard of Novice Training Ground, Outside Castle)
- script ::Captain_Carew -1,{
if(job_novice_q < 1) {
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "Hello there! Welcome to the World of Ragnarok Online. My name is Captain Carew and I'm in charge of giving you basic gameplay tips.";
mes "Click on the [Next] button or press [Enter] to continue.";
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "First you need to learn the very basics of controlling your character.";
mes "All the basic ^4A4AFFmoves, selection of items, and attacks^000000 use the ^4A4AFFleft click of the mouse^000000.";
cutin "tutorial01",3;
mes "-! Info !-";
mes "Click on the ground to move the character.";
mes "Attacking monsters and conversations with the people of this world can be done by simply clicking on them.";
cutin "",255;
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "First off, try moving around.";
mes "Do you see that wooden bridge to the right?";
setquest 7117;
set job_novice_q,1;
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "Walk over that bridge and there's a castle used as the Training Center.";
mes "I will be waiting for you inside of that Castle. Please come to the castle by yourself.";
cutin "tutorial02",3;
mes "-! Info !-";
mes "You've received a quest from Sprakki.";
mes "You can check the contents of the quest in the Quest Info Window.";
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "I will wait inside the Training Center across the bridge.";
mes "-! Info !-";
mes "You can open the Quest Info Window by pressing the ^4A4AFFALT + U^000000 keys at the same time.";
cutin "",255;
mes "[Captain Carew]";
mes "Have you checked the Quest Info Window?";
mes "I'll be waiting in the castle across the bridge.";
mes "[Carew]";
mes "I'm not sure what's happening, I'm very shy.";
mes "Meet me in Izlude again.";
mes "";
mes "[Carew]";
mes "I'm now heading to the local harbor of Izlude.";
mes "Now, sleep unti we arrive.";
//Official view id 639
iz_int01,91,81,4 script ::Rumin 99,{
iz_int01,100,91,4 duplicate(Captain_Carew) Captain Carew#iz_int 873