// Show 1 random message every .Time minutes
- script News -1,{
set .Time,10; // Announce every x Minutes.
setarray .News$[0], // Random Message to be Announced
"Respect all the players of the server especially the GMs.",
"Please report all bugs that you find immediately by using @request.",
"Do not impersonate any player or GMs on the server.",
"Reminder: GM's don't edit their characters(they don't have commands).",
"Please Speak in English in the Maintown or suffer the consequences.",
"Remember: Your Account and Items is your responsibility.",
"Welcome to your RO!!",
"Whoever counquers the Opened Castles will get 30 Mithril Coins Per Guild",
"No More Salary to the Losing Guilds, You now Support your own Guild";
set .msgs, getarraysize(.News$);
set .Counter, .Counter + 1;
if (.Counter >= .Time) {
announce .News$[rand(.msgs)], bc_all;
set .Counter, 0;