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(22:05:32) �-� [msg: operserv]: help
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: OperServ commands:
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: GLOBAL Send a message to all users
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: STATS Show status of Services and network
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: OPER Modify the Services operator list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: ADMIN Modify the Services admin list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: STAFF Display Services staff and online status
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: MODE Change a channel's modes
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: KICK Kick a user from a channel
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: CLEARMODES Clear modes of a channel
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: AKILL Manipulate the AKILL list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SGLINE Manipulate the SGLINE list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SQLINE Manipulate the SQLINE list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SZLINE Manipulate the SZLINE list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: CHANLIST Lists all channel records
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: USERLIST Lists all user records
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: LOGONNEWS Define messages to be shown to users at logon
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: RANDOMNEWS Define messages to be randomly shown to users
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: at logon
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: OPERNEWS Define messages to be shown to users who oper
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SESSION View the list of host sessions
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: EXCEPTION Modify the session-limit exception list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: NOOP Temporarily remove all O:lines of a server
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: remotely
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: JUPE "Jupiter" a server
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: IGNORE Modify the Services ignore list
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SET Set various global Services options
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: RELOAD Reload services' configuration file
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: UPDATE Force the Services databases to be
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: updated on disk immediately
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: RESTART Save databases and restart Services
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: QUIT Terminate the Services program with no save
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: SHUTDOWN Terminate the Services program with save
(22:05:32) �-� [notice from OperServ]: DEFCON Manipulate the DefCon system
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: CHANKILL AKILL all users on a specific channel
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: MODLOAD Load a module
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: MODUNLOAD Un-Load a module
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: MODLIST List loaded modules
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: MODINFO Info about a loaded module
(22:05:33) �-� [notice from OperServ]: Notice: All commands sent to OperServ are logged!
Viewed 877 times, submitted by Guest.