// GM Setting ->
set $ @ woe_inst_gmlvl, 60; // set minimum lv GM adjustments.
// Common Setting
set $ @ woe_inst_npc_name $, "[^ 000088Guild Vs Guild Register ^ 000000]"; // name npc.
set $ @ woe_inst_cutin_name $, ""; // image of a cutin npc.
set $ @ woe_inst_chat_regis $, "Guild vs Guild 24 Hr"; // assign a label to register npc if you do not want to put "" them.
set $ @ woe_inst_chat_warp $, "race & Views"; // Set the label room warper npc to not put "" them.
// Inst Register Enable
set $ @ woe_inst_regis_enable, 1; // set enable / disable register match (0 = off registration | 1 = closed registration).
// Max Inst Type
setarray $ @ woe_inst_type [0], // specify the types of guilds on each team. Up to compete in the field.
// 1, // 7 Player
16, // 16 Player
24, // 24 Player
36; // 36 Player
// Max Inst Time Battle
set $ @ woe_inst_time_battle, 60; // specified time race lap (1 minute = 1).
set $ @ woe_inst_regis_timeout, 7; // specified time after registration if it exceeds a specified time. Registration will remove the left (if you do not want to put 0).
set $ @ woe_inst_anti_flood_regis, 5; // specify a time delay registration cancellation after registration protection register player vain (1 = 1 minute).
// Inst Viewer Mode
set $ @ woe_inst_viewer_enable, 1; // mode to the game (0 = off | 1 = open).
// Inst Gambling Option
set $ @ woe_inst_option, 4; // set the style stakes races (0 = free | 1 = zeny | 2 = item | 3 = cash | 4 = (0 + 1 + 2 + 3)).
set $ @ woe_inst_zeny_limit, 100000000; // set of Zeny maximum bet to bet (not less than 1 zeny minimum).
set $ @ woe_inst_item_limit, 10000; // set Item Number Bet Max to bet (not less than 1 ea minimum).
set $ @ woe_inst_cash_limit, 10000; // set the maximum number Cash bet to bet (not less than the minimum 1 Point).
// Inst Countdown Time
set $ @ woe_inst_countdown, 5; // set on / off notices before the last five minutes (0 = disabled | 1 = open).
set $ @ woe_inst_countdown_sec, 60;
// Item Gambling Option
setarray $ @ woe_gambling_item [0], // set the item using the bet (note when the bet option = 2 or 4).
30 231; // CashPoint Box (10)
// Inst Kafra Staff Enable
set $ @ woe_inst_kafra_enable, 1; // set on / off automatically installed kafra Castle (0 = disable | 1 = open).
// Inst Guardian Enable
set $ @ woe_inst_guardian_enable, 0; // set on / off automatically install Guardian Castle (0 = disable | 1 = open).
// Inst Woe Ladder Setting
set $ @ woe_inst_ladder_enable, 1; // Enable / disable the rankings play Inst Woe Ladder (0 = off | 1 = open).
// Inst Woe Ranking Setting
set $ @ ladder_woe_inst_show_total, 20; // Specify the highest ranked first. To display
set $ @ ladder_woe_inst_show_page, 10; // Specify the display in front of the npc.