EADev Configuration file
return array(
// Server Name
'serverName' => 'Ragnarok Tales',
// Rate my server link
'rms' => 'http://ragnaroktales.com/forums/forum/14-ragnarok-tales-on-ratemyservernet/',
// Forums link here
'forum' => 'http://ragnaroktales.com/forums',
// Facebook page link here.
'facebook-page' => 'www.facebook.com/RagnarokTales',
// You tube video link
'youtube-video' => '<iframe width="309" height="245" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-c8VZx63MmM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
// Server Time ( use http://www.timeanddate.com/ )
'serverTime' => '<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i3s2kzjx/n145/fn17/fs11/fc03ba84/tct/pct/ftb" frameborder="0" width="81" height="15" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>',
// RSS settings
'enablerss' => true, // true/ false true will show RSS links on index page
'news' => 'http://ragnaroktales.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=rss&type=forums&id=1', // RSS News link
// Screenshots images
// Put images inside folder "themes/default/img/ss"
'sliders' => array(
// Image name.extension, description ( Don't forget , ( comma ) )
// Woe Schd
'woeSchd' => array(
'Monday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',
'Wednesday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',
'Thursday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',
'Friday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',
'Saturday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',
'Sunday' => '11:00am to 12:pm',