viewing paste Unknown #6776 | C

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Name was updated to match latested iteminfo.lua table 
501 (Red_Potion) : eLv changed from '5' to 'no-value' 
502 (Orange_Potion) : eLv changed from '20' to 'no-value' 
503 (Yellow_Potion) : eLv changed from '35' to 'no-value' 
504 (White_Potion) : eLv changed from '50' to 'no-value' 
505 (Blue_Potion) : eLv changed from '40' to 'no-value' 
545 (Red_Slim_Potion) : eLv changed from '20' to 'no-value' 
546 (Yellow_Slim_Potion) : eLv changed from '50' to 'no-value' 
547 (White_Slim_Potion) : eLv changed from '70' to 'no-value' 
656 (Awakening_Potion) : eLv changed from '40' to 'no-value' 
657 (Berserk_Potion) : eLv changed from '85' to 'no-value' 
1599 (Angra_Manyu) : ATK changed from '5000:5000' to '10000:10000' 
1774 (Hunting_Arrow) : eLv changed from '100' to 'no-value' 
2199 (Ahura_Mazda) : DEF changed from '5000' to '10000' 
2199 (Ahura_Mazda) : Script, replaced 'bonus bMdef,100;' with 'bonus bMdef,99;' 
2199 (Ahura_Mazda) : Script b 'bonus bUnbreakableShield,0; bonus bAllStats,50; bonus bMdef,100; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,100; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; skill "CR_FULLPROTECTION",5; skill "WZ_ESTIMATION",1; skill "ST_FULLSTRIP",5; skill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; bonus bMaxHPRate,200; bonus bNoKnockback,0; bonus bDelayRate,-20; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus bIntravision,0;' 
2199 (Ahura_Mazda) : Script a 'bonus bUnbreakableShield,0; bonus bAllStats,50; bonus bMdef,99; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,100; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; skill "CR_FULLPROTECTION",5; skill "WZ_ESTIMATION",1; skill "ST_FULLSTRIP",5; skill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; bonus bMaxHPRate,200; bonus bNoKnockback,0; bonus bDelayRate,-20; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus bIntravision,0;' 
2589 (Fallen_Angel_Wing) : Slots changed from 'no-value' to '1' 
4375 (Orc_Baby_Card) : AegisName changed from 'Orc_Baby_Card' to 'Orc_Baby_Card_Card' 
4846 (2011val_Angel) : AegisName changed from '2011val_Angel' to '2011Valentin_Angel' 
4847 (2011val_Devil) : AegisName changed from '2011val_Devil' to '2011Valentin_Devil' 
5396 (Jasper_Crest) : Script, replaced 'bonus bDex,3;' with 'bonus bDex,1;' 
5396 (Jasper_Crest) : Script b 'bonus bDex,3; bonus bVit,1;' 
5396 (Jasper_Crest) : Script a 'bonus bDex,1; bonus bVit,1;' 
5407 (Academy_Graduating_Cap) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Weight changed from 'no-value' to '800' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : DEF changed from '8' to '12' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Slots changed from 'no-value' to '1' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : eLv changed from '70' to '50' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Script, replaced 'bonus bStr,1;' with 'bonus bStr,2;' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Script, replaced 'bonus bInt,1;' with 'bonus bInt,2;' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Script b 'bonus bStr,1; bonus bInt,1; bonus bMdef,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-10; skill "MG_SIGHT",1; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",3,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_FIREBOLT",3,50;' 
5420 (Mask_Of_Ifrit) : Script a 'bonus bStr,2; bonus bInt,2; bonus bMdef,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-10; skill "MG_SIGHT",1; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",3,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_FIREBOLT",3,50;'
5462 (Spiked_Scarf) : Weight changed from '100' to 'no-value' 
5462 (Spiked_Scarf) : DEF changed from 'no-value' to '3' 
5462 (Spiked_Scarf) : eLv changed from '90' to 'no-value' 
5495 (Power_Of_Thor) : DEF changed from '6' to '5' 
5527 (Lunatic_Hat) : Script, replaced 'bonus bLuk,5;' with 'bonus bLuk,3;' 
5527 (Lunatic_Hat) : Script b 'bonus bLuk,5; bonus bMdef,2; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,622,50;' 
5527 (Lunatic_Hat) : Script a 'bonus bLuk,3; bonus bMdef,2; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,622,50;' 
5532 (Pirate_Dagger_J) : eLv changed from 'no-value' to '30' 
5535 (Side_Cap) : Slots changed from 'no-value' to '1' 
5548 (Scarlet_Rose) : eLv changed from 'no-value' to '50' 
5548 (Scarlet_Rose) : Refineable changed from 'no-value' to '1' 
5556 (Fur_Seal_Hat) : DEF changed from '3' to '5' 
5556 (Fur_Seal_Hat) : Loc changed from '769' to '768' 
5556 (Fur_Seal_Hat) : eLv changed from '55' to 'no-value' 
5572 (Savage_Baby_Hat) : eLv changed from '30' to 'no-value' 
5573 (Bogy_Horn) : eLv changed from '75' to 'no-value' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bStr,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bInt,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bVit,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bDex,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bAgi,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script, added 'bonus bLuk,3;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script b 'bonus bMdef,1;' 
5601 (Br_Beret) : Script a 'bonus bLuk,3; bonus bAgi,3; bonus bDex,3; bonus bVit,3; bonus bInt,3; bonus bStr,3; bonus bMdef,1;' 
5662 (Libra_Crown) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
5663 (Libra_Diadem) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
5739 (Sagittarius_Crown) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
5740 (Sagittarius_Diadem) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
5745 (Capricon_Diadem) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
6379 (7Star_Board) : AegisName changed from '7Star_Board' to 'Card_Coin' 
7638 (TW_Green_Box) : AegisName changed from 'TW_Green_Box' to 'Tw_Green_Box' 
7639 (TW_Red_Box) : AegisName changed from 'TW_Red_Box' to 'Tw_Red_Box' 
7721 (Treasure_Box_) : Weight changed from 'no-value' to '500' 
11518 (N_Blue_Potion) : eLv changed from 'no-value' to '1:20' 
12416 (Lucky_Egg_C3) : AegisName changed from 'Lucky_Egg_C3' to 'LUcky_Egg_C3' 
12535 (Iggdrasilberry_Box) : AegisName changed from 'Iggdrasilberry_Box' to 'Yggdrasilberry_Box' 
12626 (Wanderer_Scroll) : AegisName changed from 'Wanderer_Scroll' to 'Wander_Man_Scroll' 
15035 (2010_Love_Dad) : AegisName changed from '2010_Love_Dad' to '2010Love_Daddy' 
15035 (2010Love_Daddy) : Slots changed from '1' to 'no-value' 
15041 (Boitata_Armor) : DEF changed from '5' to '45' 
17037 (Trans_Box_Devi) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Devi' to 'Transbox_Devi' 
17038 (Trans_Box_Ray_Arch) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Ray_Arch' to 'Transbox_Ray' 
17039 (Trans_Box_Mavka) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Mavka' to 'Transbox_Mavka' 
17040 (Trans_Box_Marduk) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Marduk' to 'Transbox_Marduk' 
17041 (Trans_Box_Banshee) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Banshee' to 'Transbox_Banshee' 
17042 (Trans_Box_Poring) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Poring' to 'Transbox_Poring' 
17043 (Trans_Box_Golem) : AegisName changed from 'Trans_Box_Golem' to 'Transbox_Golem' 
18111 (Creeper_Bow) : ATK changed from '160' to '150' 
18538 (Devil_Whisper) : AegisName changed from 'Devil_Whisper' to 'Evil_Whisper' 
18542 (Love_Guard) : AegisName changed from 'Love_Guard' to 'All_Love_Guard' 
18556 (Angel_Helmet) : AegisName changed from 'Angel_Helmet' to 'Angel_Team_Helm' 
18557 (Devil_Helmet) : AegisName changed from 'Devil_Helmet' to 'Devil_Team_Helm' 
18580 (Yggdrasil_Crown) : DEF changed from '6' to '3' 
18580 (Yggdrasil_Crown) : Slots changed from 'no-value' to '1' 
18580 (Yggdrasil_Crown) : eLv changed from '70' to 'no-value' 
18630 (Dep_Alice_Hat) : AegisName changed from 'Dep_Alice_Hat' to 'Droopy_Alice_Doll' 
18632 (Yellow_Poring_Hairpin) : AegisName changed from 'Yellow_Poring_Hairpin' to 'Yellow_Poring_Pin' 
18633 (Pink_Poring_Hairpin) : AegisName changed from 'Pink_Poring_Hairpin' to 'Pink_Poring_Pin' 
18634 (Green_Poring_Hairpin) : AegisName changed from 'Green_Poring_Hairpin' to 'Green_Poring_Pin' 
18635 (Blue_Poring_Hairpin) : AegisName changed from 'Blue_Poring_Hairpin' to 'Blue_Poring_Pin' 
18642 (Scissorhand_Model) : AegisName changed from 'Scissorhand_Model' to 'hand_Scissorhand_Model' 
19507 (Fine_Sun) : AegisName changed from 'Fine_Sun' to 'Clear_Sun
Viewed 855 times, submitted by Guest.