|_\11. Essentials |
| Name: | Iron Fist |>. Sex: | M |>. Age: | 27 |
| Race: | Nemmadian |>. Height: | 75" |>. Weight: | 224 |
| Class: | Ranger |>. Hair: | Black |>. Eyes: | Brown |
| Alignment: | CG |>. God: | -- |>. BMI: | 23 |
| Experience: | 0 |>. Level: | -- |>. BP: | |
|_. Stat |_. Score |_\6. Effects |
| **Str** |**18/52** | Dmg Mod: 5 | Feat: 14 | Lift: 458|\2. Carry: 86 | Drag: 1145 |
| **Int** | **16/05** |\5. Atk Mod: 2 |
| **Wis** | **13/12** | Init: +1 | Def Mod: +1 |\3. Mental Save: +1 |
| **Dex** | **14/59** | Init: -1 | Atk Mod: +2 | Def Mod: +3 | Dodge Save: +1 | Feat: 6 |
| **Con** | **13/04** |\5. Physical Save: +1 |
| **Lks** | **10/71** |\5. Cha Mod: 0 |
| **Cha** | **11/65** | Turn Mod: 0 | Morale: +0 |\3. Max Proteges: 3 |
| **Hon** | **13** |\5. Average |
table{width: 20%;float: right;}.
|>. Wound 1: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
|>. Wound 2: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
|>. Wound 3: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
|>. Wound 4: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
|>. Wound 5: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
|>. Wound 6: |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |{border: 1px solid #afafaf}. |
table{width: 30%; float: left}.
|_\5. Saving Throws |
| Race | Class |\3=. Saves |
| | |>. D20+ | 2 | Physical |
| | |>. D20+ | 2 | Mental |
| | |>. D20+ | 2 | Dodge |
| | |>. + | 0 | Cold |
| | |>. + | 0 | Poison |
table{width: 15%; margin: 0 10px 0 30px; float: left}.
|_\2. Misc |
| Total SP: | 0 |
| Current SP:| 0 |
| Luck Points: | 0 |
table{width: 25%;float: right;margin-right: 15px;}.
|_\7. Vitals |
|_. |=. HP: |={color: red;}. 29 |>. Last Roll: |=. 6 |_. |
|_. |\3>. Threshold of Pain: |=. 9 |_. |
|_\7. |
|_\12. Protection |
| Armor | Leather | + | 0 | Initiative Mod: | 0 | Speed Mod: | 0 | Defense Mod: | -2 | DR: | 2 |
| Shield| Small | + | 0 | Cover: | 19 | Crouch: | 19 | Defense Mod: | 4 | DR: | 4 |
|_\4. Proficiencies |
| Shields | Light Armor | Hiking / Roadmarching | WP Minimal |
| WP: Great Sword | WP: Spear | WP: Throwing Axe | WP: Battle Axe |
| WP: Short Bow | WS: Short Bow +2 Attack | WS: Short Bow +2 Speed | WS: Battle Axe +1 Attack |
| WS: Battle Axe +1 Speed| WS: Battle Axe +1 Defense | WS: Battle Axe +1 Damage |
|_\2{width: 50%}. Talents |_\2. Quirks & Flaws |
| Glersee || Light Claustrophobia |
| Skinning / Tanning || Superstitious: Charm - Prism Necklace |
| Tough as Nails || |
|_\12. Skills |
|. Skill |. Stat |. % |. Skill |. Stat |. % |. Skill |. Stat |. % |. Skill |. Stat |. % |
|{color:blue}. Acting | LC | — | Admin | IWC | — | Agriculture | W | — | Anml Emp. | WC | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Anml Herd | W | — |{color:blue}. Anml Husb: — | W | — |{color:blue}. Anml Husb: — | W | — |{color:blue}. Anml Mimicry | W | 31 |
| Anml Train: — | IW | — | Appraise: Pelts & Furs | I | 30 | Appraise: — | I | — | Appraise: — | I | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Arcane Lore | I | — | Artistry: — | WD | — | Astrology | I | — | Blacksmithing | SI | — |
|{color:blue}. Boating | W | 20 | Botany | I | 21 | Carpentry | I | 30 |{color:blue}. Cartography | I | — |
{background:#ddd}.|{color:blue}. Climbing | SD | 25 | Cooking | IW | 21 | Craft | WD | — |{color:blue}. Current Affairs | W | — |
|{color:blue}. Diplomacy | C | — | Direction Sense | W | 21 | Disarm Trap | ID | — |{color:blue}. Disguise | IC | — |
{background:#ddd}.|{color:blue}. Distraction | C | — | Divine Lore | W | — |{color:blue}. Escape Artist | ID | — | Fast Talk | C | — |
|{color:blue}. Fire Building | W | 19 | First Aid | W | 54 | Forestry: — | I | — | Forgery | IW | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Gambling | WC | — | Geology | I | — |{color:blue}. Glean Info | IWC | — |{color:blue}. Hiding | ID | 36 |
| Hist, Ancient: — | I | — | Hunting | W | 29 | Identify Trap | W | — |{color:blue}. Interrogation | WC | — |
{background:#ddd}.|{color:blue}. Intimidation | SC | — |{color:blue}. Jumping | S | 32 | Lang: Jol | I | 91 | Lang: Medlish | I | 50 |
| Lang: — | I | — | Lang: — | I | — |{color:blue}. Law | I | — | Leatherwork | ID | 19 |
{background:#ddd}.|{color:blue}. Listening | W | 36 | Lit: – | I | — | Lit: — | I | — | Lit: — | I | — |
| Lock Picking | ID | — | Math | I | — | Mining | SI | — | Monster Lore | I | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Music: — | W | — |{color:blue}. Observation | W | 20 |{color:blue}. Oration | C | — |{color:blue}. Persuasion | C | — |
|{color:blue}. Pick Pocket | D | — | Pottery | WD | — |{color:blue}. Read Lips | I | — |{color:blue}. Recruiting | C | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Religion: — | W | — |{color:blue}. Resist Per. | W | — | Riddling | I | — | Riding: — | WD | — |
|{color:blue}. Rope Use | D | 27 |{color:blue}. Salesmanship | IWC | — |{color:blue}. Scrutiny | W | — |{color:blue}. Seduction | LC | — |
{background:#ddd}.|{color:blue}. Skilled Liar | C | — |{color:blue}. Sneaking | D | 36 |{color:blue}. Survival | WC | 32 | Surv, Urban | WC | — |
| Swimming | SC | 33 |{color:blue}. Torture | I | — |{color:blue}. Tracking | W | 33 | Trap Design | ID | — |
{background:#ddd}.| Weather Sense | W | 18 | | | — | | | — | | | — |
Skill Block Specs
|/5{border:1px solid black;width: 350px;font-size:10px}. Skills marked in blue are universal skills, which when used without training receive the lowest of the listed relevant abilities as a bonus. Opposed checks are made by rolling a d100 and adding the relevant skill. Roll modifiers for difficulty are: Trivial -90, Easy -80, Average -40, Difficult +0, Very Difficult +10 |
|\7{font-size:10px}. Mastery Levels & Dice |
|{font-size:10px}. 0% |{font-size:10px}. Unskilled |{font-size:10px}. d12p |_{font-size:10px}. |{font-size:10px}. 51-75% |{font-size:10px}. Advanced |{font-size:10px}. d6p |
|{font-size:10px}. 1-25% |{font-size:10px}. Novice |{font-size:10px}. d12p |_{font-size:10px}. |{font-size:10px}. 76-87% |{font-size:10px}. Expert |{font-size:10px}. d4p |
|{font-size:10px}. 26-50% |{font-size:10px}. Average |{font-size:10px}. d8p |_{font-size:10px}. |{font-size:10px}. 88-100% |{font-size:10px}. Master |{font-size:10px}. d3p |