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// Premium Account
// Users can come to this script to pay for Premium Time. This mode runs only in the current Account, and expires when the Premium Time is over.
// You can configure bonus experience, discounts in cash shops, and @commands available for Premium Account only.
// Premium Account conf/battle settings ( see eAmod.conf )
// Extra experience Bonus when killing mobs. Value is from 0 to 100, as a Percent. Example 5 = 5%
//premium_bonusexp: 100
// Discount when using Cash Shops. Value is from 0 to 100, as a Percent. Example 5 = 5%
//premium_discount: 20
// Drop boost for Premium account users. Value is %, where 5 become 5%.
// The bonus drop increases the normal drop rate just like Bubble Gum does.
// If normal drop is 30% and premium_dropboost is 10. The final drop rate will be 33%, not 40%.
//premium_dropboost: 100
prontera,145,171,5  script  Premium Account 864,{
    // Settings: -----------------------------
    set .@Cost, 10000; // Cash Points required
    set .@Time, 4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // Time in Seconds = 4 weeks, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per day, 60 seconds per minute. = 1 month in this sample.
    set .@Time$, "1 month";
    // ---------------------------------------
    mes "[Premium Account]";
    mes "I am the Premium Account seller.";
    if( isPremium == 1 )
        mes "Your Premium Account expires in ^FF0000" + callfunc("Time2Str",#Premium_Tick) + "^000000.";
    mes "What can I do for you?";
    // isPremium() returns 1 if the current user Account is Premium and it have not expired.
    // It works together with #Premium_Tick, which is a Account Var set with a Unix Time value, representing when the Premium Account expires.
    // isPremium() is the same as #Premium_Tick > gettimetick(2)
    switch( select("Pay for Premium Time:About Premium Account") )
    case 1:
        mes "[Premium Account]";
        if( isPremium == 1 )
            mes "Do you really want to extend your Premium Time?";
            mes "You do really want to convert your account to premium?";
        mes "Premium Time is ^FF0000" + .@Time$ + "^000000";
        mes "Value is ^FF0000" + .@Cost + "^000000 Cash Points.";
        if( select("Yes:No") == 2 )
            mes "[Premium Account]";
            mes "Come back if you change your mind.";
        if( #CASHPOINTS < .@Cost )
            mes "[Premium Account]";
            mes "You don't have enough Cash Points.";
        if( isPremium == 1 )
            set #Premium_Tick, #Premium_Tick + .@Time; // Time Extension
            set #Premium_Tick, gettimetick(2) + .@Time; // New Premium Account
        set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@Cost;
        mes "[Premium Account]";
        mes "Congratulations!!..";
        mes "Remember your Premium Account expires in ^FF0000" + callfunc("Time2Str",#Premium_Tick) + "^000000.";
    case 2:
        // Edit this messages to explain your Users about the Premium Account in your server.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        mes "[Premium Account]";
        mes "";
        mes "";
        mes "";
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