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Arrow Storm
Fixed Cast Time: None
Variable Cast Time: (1.8 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: (5.2 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: None
ATK [{(Skill Level x 80) + 1000} x (Caster’s Base Level/100)] %
Level 1 ~ 5: 7x7
Level 6 ~ 9: 9x9
Level 10: 11x11
Main Ranger
Tolerance/ATK: + (5 * Skill Level)
Aimed Bolt
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 second
Variable Cast Time: 4 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Targets affected by Ankle Snare / Electric Shocker / Warg Bite’s immobilization state will receive bonus damage from Aimed Bolt.
If used on <targets not affected by immobilization state> will only be hit once by the skill.
Number of hits (on immobilized targets):
Small: 2 ~ 3 hits (2 Hit: 50% / 3 Hit: 50% chance)
Medium: 3 ~ 4 hits (3 Hit: 60% / 4 Hit: 40% chance)
Large: 4 ~ 5 hits (4 Hit: 70% / 5 Hit: 30% chance)
Aimed Bolt will remove Immobilization state from all targets.
Each hit is increased by the Skill modifier.
Damage: ATK [{ 500 + (Skill Level x 50)} x (Caster’s Base Level/100)] %
Fear Breeze
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Melee attacks will not activate Fear Breeze
Unequipping or changing weapon will cause Fear Breeze buff to disappear
60 second
90 second
120 second
150 second
180 second
Consecutive attacks
2 ~ 3
2 ~ 4
2 ~ 5
SP Cost
Activation Chance
12 % chance to attack 2 times.
12 % chance to attack 2 times.
9 % chance to attack 3 times.
12 % chance to attack 2 times
6 % chance to attack 4 times.
9 % chance to attack 3 times.
12 % chance to attack 2 times.
3 % chance to attack 5 times.
6 % chance to attack 4 times.
9 % chance to attack 3 times.
12 % chance to attack 2 times.
Total Activation Chance
12 %
12 %
21 %
27 %
30 %
Electric Shocker
SP Drain per second: (5 * Skill Level) %
Duration: (18 + 2 * Skill Level) - [(Target’s AGI + VIT)/10] * 0.7seconds
Target’s VIT and AGI reduces the duration of the trap by [{(VIT + AGI) / 10} x 0.7] seconds.
Bomb Cluster
Skill Modifier + [ { (Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5) } x (1.5 + (Caster’s Base Level / 100)) } ] x { (Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 50 }
AoE: 7x7
Cannot be placed under a target
Warg Rider
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Movement Speed
10% slower than Pecopeco
Same as Pecopeco
10% faster than Pecopeco
Warg Dash
Global Skill Delay: None
If Ranger has learned Warg Strike,
ATK 300% + (Caster’s Current Weight x 10 / 8) + Tooth of Warg (damage bonus from tooth of warg depends on skill level)
*** Warg will deal 3x3 splash damage when it is forcibly stopped by an obstacle.
Warg Strike
(Skill Level x 200% ATK) + (Tooth of Warg bonus damage)
*** When attacking in close or long range, Auto-Warg Strike activates at 1% per 3 points in LUK.
Warg Bite
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: (Skill Level x 1 ) + (Tooth of Warg x 0.5 ) second
Duration is no longer reduced by target’s Stats
Re-use Delay: (2 + 2 * Skill Level) seconds
Level 1: 600%
Level 2: 800%
Level 3: 1000%
Level 4: 1200%
Level 5: 1500%
Immobilization Success chance:
[{(Base Success chance) - (Target’s AGI / 4)} + (Tooth of Warg skill level x 2)] %
,where base success chance = (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
* Success chance cannot go below 50%.
Tooth of Warg
ATK bonus: 30 * Skill Level
Keen Nose
Global Skill Delay: 3 seconds
150 %
Warg Bite Activation Chance
8 %
Detecting Range
7 x 7
9 x 9
11 x 11
  13 x 13
15 x 15
While in Camouflage, CRIT chance and damage increases by 10% and +30 (Fixed) per second respectively. However Ranger’s DEF will decrease by 5% per second.
(CRIT is increased up to 100%, Damage is increased up to +300 (Fixed) )
Movement Speed:
Level 1 ~ 2: 0%
Level 3: 50%
Level 4: 75%
Level 5: 100%
Trap Research
Bonus ATK
Bonus INT
Bonus MSP
Bonus Trap Range
+ 40
+ 1 cell
+ 80
+ 1 cell
+ 120
+ 2 cell
+ 160
+ 2 cell
+ 200
+ 3 cell
Fire Trap
ATK 100% + [{(Fire Trap Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5)} x (1.5 + Caster’s Base Level / 100)] x {(Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 100 }
Burning chance: (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
Duration: 15 seconds
Fire Element
Ice Trap
ATK 100% + [{(Ice Trap Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5)} x (1.5 + Caster’s Base Level / 100)] x {(Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 100}
Freezing chance: (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
Duration: 20 seconds
Water Element
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