#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../common/HPMi.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "../map/script.h"
#include "../map/pc.h"
#include "../map/clif.h"
#include "../map/battle.h"
#include "../map/status.h"
#include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h"
1.0 Initial Script [Mhalicot]
Topic: http://goo.gl/vbmQnr
2.0 Added Map restriction "izlude", GVG/PVP.
You can't use @afk when your dead. [Mhalicot]
2.1 Update compilation compatibility in latest
rev. 13300 [Mhalicot]
2.2 Fixed bug when using @afk. [Mhalicot]
2.3 Fixed map crash when using @afk [Mhalicot]
3.0 Added unable to use @afk when receiving damage. [Mhalicot]
HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {
"afk", // Plugin name
SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with?
"3.0", // Plugin version
HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)
ACMD(afk) {
if(sd->bl.m == map->mapname2mapid("izlude")) {
clif->message(fd, "@afk is not allowed on this map.");
return true;
if( pc_isdead(sd) ) {
clif->message(fd, "Cannot use @afk if you are dead.");
return true;
if(DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(),sd->canlog_tick) < battle->bc->prevent_logout) {
clif->message(fd, "Failed to use @afk, please try again later."); //<- (10s)10000ms delay to edit look for conf/battle/player.conf search for prevent_logout
return true;
if( map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.autotrade == battle->bc->autotrade_mapflag )
if(map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp || map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg){
clif->message(fd, "You may not use the @afk maps PVP or GVG.");
return true;
sd->state.autotrade = 1;
sd->state.monster_ignore = 1;
clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 234,AREA);
if( battle->bc->at_timeout )
int timeout = atoi(message);
status->change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle->bc->at_timeout) : battle->bc->at_timeout) * 60000, 0);
clif->authfail_fd(sd->fd, 15);
} else clif->message(fd, "@afk is not allowed on this map.");
return true;
/* Server Startup */
HPExport void plugin_init (void)
clif = GET_SYMBOL("clif");
skill = GET_SYMBOL("skill");
script = GET_SYMBOL("script");
pc = GET_SYMBOL("pc");
battle = GET_SYMBOL("battle");
map = GET_SYMBOL("map");
status = GET_SYMBOL("status");
timer = GET_SYMBOL("timer");