viewing paste [Hercules] drop multiplier on mob s | Athena

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//===== Hercules Script =======================================================
//= Multiple droprate on mob elements from a set (default set: elements).
//===== By: ===================================================================
//= jaBote
//===== Current Version: ======================================================
//= 0.9.0 alpha
//===== Changelog =============================================================
//= 0.9.0 Initial version [jaBote]
//===== Description: ==========================================================
//= Implements multiple drop rates on mob sets that change each week.
//===== Warning: ==============================================================
//= -> addmonsterdrop/delmonsterdrop script commands don't work well with mobs
//=    that drop the same item more than once.
//= -> Doesn't work well with @reloadscript and/or server restarts (it will
//=    reassign a new set).
//===== Additional information: ===============================================
//= Configurations are located from line 22 (OnInit label).
-   script  element_drops   -1,{
    // Configurations START.
    // Add in mob IDs on the place of the numbers
    setarray .set_0[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Neutral
    setarray .set_1[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Water
    setarray .set_2[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Earth
    setarray .set_3[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Fire
    setarray .set_4[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Wind
    setarray .set_5[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Poison
    setarray .set_6[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Holy
    setarray .set_7[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Shadow
    setarray .set_8[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Ghost
    setarray .set_9[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Undead
    // Set to the name of the type of each set of $@set_X
    // BEWARE! Number of set of this array MUST be the same than the total
    // amount of sets (which is quite obvious). This is VERY IMPORTANT.
    setarray .names$[0], "Neutral", "Water", "Earth", "Fire", "Wind", 
        "Poison", "Holy", "Shadow", "Ghost", "Undead";
    // Set to the multiplication rate of drops (should be >= 1)
    // Examples: 100 = x1 (useless); 200 = x2; 50 = x0.5
    // Based on final drop rates after battle conf calculations.
    .multiplicator = 200;
    // Force change of element each week? (1 = Yes; 0 = No)
    .force_change = 1;
    // Text message. You can change or translate it if you want, but be careful
    // not to touch the %s since you'll screw the dynamic formatting
    .announce_format$ = "The element %s has been doubled for this week.";
    // Atcommand name you want to use for keeping your users informed
    .atcommand$ = "ddw";
    // Configurations END. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing.
    // Bind an atcommand
    bindatcmd .atcommand$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand";
    // Get the amount of sets and use an impossible set
    .amount = getarraysize(.names$);
    .set = -1;
    // Let it fall through the OnMon0000: label to assign first set on server
    // startup (or reloadscript)
    .@old_set = .set;
    // Force the change of set if required
    if (.force_change) {
        do {
            .set = rand(.amount);
        } while (.set == .@old_set);
    } else {
        .set = rand(.amount);
    // Restore old drops and assign new ones... if set hasn't changed
    if (.@old_set != .set) {
        freeloop(1); // We could be needing it
        // Restoring old sets, just if there was an old set
        if (.@old_set >= 0) {
            .@old_set_size = getarraysize(getd( ".set_" + .@old_set));
            for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@old_set_size; .@i++) {
                // This is pretty ugly, but there's no other mean to do this.
                .@mobid = getd( ".set_" + .@old_set + "[" + .@i + "]" );
                .@drop_count = getd(".mobdrop_count_[" + .@i + "]");
                for (.@j = 0; .@j <= .@drop_count; .@j++) {
                    // We only have to restore previously saved originals
                    .@drop_item = getd(".mobdrop_item_" + .@i + "[" + .@j + "]");
                    .@drop_rate = getd(".mobdrop_rate_" + .@i + "[" + .@j + "]");
                    // This updates monster drop back to original state
                    addmonsterdrop(.@mobid, .@drop_item, .@drop_rate);
        // Applying multiplicator to new set
        for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( getd( ".set_" + .set ) ); .@i++) {
            // Get original mob drops 
            .@mobid = getd( ".set_" + .set + "[" + .@i + "]" );
            setd ".mobdrop_count_[" + .@i + "]", $@MobDrop_count; // We'll need it
            for (.@j = 0; .@j <= $@MobDrop_count; .@j++) {
                // We only have to save originals
                setd ".mobdrop_item_" + .@i + "[" + .@j + "]", $@MobDrop_item[.@i];
                setd ".mobdrop_rate_" + .@i + "[" + .@j + "]", $@MobDrop_rate[.@i];
                // Calculate new rate. If it gives a value out of bounds,
                // addmonsterdrop will then take care of capping it inbounds
                // along with a warning we can safely ignore.
                .@new_rate = ($@MobDrop_rate[.@i] * .multiplicator) / 100;
                // This updates monster drop item if the mob already drops it
                addmonsterdrop(.@mobid, $@MobDrop_item[.@i], .@new_rate);
    // Announce new set for everyone and finish.
    .@announce_text$ = sprintf(.announce_format$, .names$[.set]);
    announce .@announce_text$, bc_all|bc_blue;
    // Announce set just for yourself and finish.
    .@announce_text$ = sprintf(.announce_format$, .names$[.set]);
    announce .@announce_text$, bc_self|bc_blue;
Viewed 1536 times, submitted by jaBote.