//===== eAthena Script =======================================//= ResidentRO Fact Announcer//===== By: ==================================================//= RxChris ([email protected])//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.2//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= Eathena SVN and 3ceam//===== Description: =========================================//= It's the Fact announcer.//= now over 300+ Great Facts//========Credits=======================================//=Xienne15//=~AnnieRuru~//=Waeyan//===========Site Location================//= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242812//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= v 1.1 More Facts added//= v 1.1 Removed unnecessary variables.//= v 1.1 Removed Long Facts that is not broadcast fully.//= v 1.1 Added missing variables.//= v 1.2 Added [The Fact] in the First line so player's wont be confused what's happening//==========================================================================- script Fact Announcer -1,{end; OnMinute00: OnMinute30:switch(rand(1,310)){case1:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Ahura Mazda (also known as Ohrmazd, Ahuramazda, Hormazd, Aramazd) is the Avestan name for a divinity of the Old Iranian religion who was later proclaimed the uncreated God by Zoroaster. In the Avesta, Ahura Mazda is described as the highest deity of worship, along with being the first and most frequently invoked deity in the Yasna. [Source:Wiki]",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case2:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In Norse mythology, Sleipnir (Old Norse slippy or the slipper) is an eight-legged horse. Sleipnir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. [Source:Wiki]",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case3:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The Kodiak, which is native to Alaska, is the largest bear and can measure up to eight feet and weigh as much as 1,700 pounds ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case4:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In 1873, Colgate made a toothpaste that was available in a jar ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case5:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The fur of the binturong, also known as the -Asian Bear Cat,- smells like popcorn. The scent is believed to come from a gland located near the tail ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case6:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The Great Pyramids used to be as white as snow because they were encased in a bright limestone that has worn off over the years ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case7:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; case8:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that A chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs, and a chicken with white earlobes will produce white eggs ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case9:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The Koala bear is not really a bear, but is really related to the kangaroo and the wombat.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case10:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The word -comet- comes from the Greek word -kometes- meaning long hair and referring to the tail ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case11:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Before air conditioning was invented, white cotton slipcovers were put on furniture to keep the air cool. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case12:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Instead of a Birthday Cake, many Russian children are given a Birthday Pie ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case13:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command -go hang yourself.- ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case14:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The Flintstones cartoon was the first thirty-minute cartoon to be aired during prime time ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case15:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The abbreviation Xmas for the word Christmas is of Greek origin. Since the word for Christ in the Greek language is Xristos, which starts with the letter -X,- they started putting the X in place of Christ and came up with the short form for the word Christmas ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case16:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that China has more English speakers than the United States ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case17:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that When Queen Elizabeth I of England died she owned over 3,000 gowns ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case18:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In a day 34,000 children die every day from causes that are related to poverty and hunger ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case19:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is [uncopyrightable.] ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case20:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Some Ribbon worm will eat themselves if they cannot find food. This type of worm can still survive after eating up to 95% of its body weight ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case21:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that There is an area located off the south-eastern Atlantic coast of the United States called the -Bermuda Triangle.- It is known for a high rate of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft, which has led some people to believe that this triangle has supernatural powers ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case22:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The 1912, a wrestling match in Stockholm between Finn Alfred Asikainen and Russian Martin Klein lasted more than 11 hours. Klein eventually won, but was to tired to participate in the championship match ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case23:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Gorillas are considered apes, not monkeys. The way to distinguish between an ape and a monkey is that apes do not have tails ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case24:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Bruce Lee was so fast, that they actually had to slow a film down so you could see his moves. That is the opposite of the norm ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case25:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that A 27 year old heir to a sausage empire was handed a ticket for 116,000 pounds for driving at 80 km/hr in a 40 km/hr zone. This is because the speeding tickets in Finland are based on how much money a person makes ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case26:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The first known American novelist to hand in a manuscript that was typed was Mark Twain. His typewriter was a Remington No.1, which was invented by Christopher Sholes and Carlos Glidden. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case27:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In Belgium, there is a museum that is just for strawberries ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case28:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that A salmon with two mouths, two sets of teeth and two tongues was caught by Bob Bateman of Canada",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case29:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case30:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Pepsi originally contained pepsin, (the same stuff in pepcid AC) thus the name ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case31:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Annually, fires that occur at home kill more Americans than all natural disasters combined ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case32:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The song -Happy Birthday- brings in about $2 million in licensing revenue to Warner Communications who hold the copyright to the song ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case33:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that You can send a postcard from Hell. There is a small town located in the Cayman Islands called -Hell.- They even have a post office ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case34:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In the movie -Gandhi- 300,000 extras appeared in the funeral scene. Of the 300,000, approximately 100,000 received a small fee, and the other 200,000 did it for free ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case35:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that In 1983, a Japanese artist, Tadahiko Ogawa, made a copy of the Mona Lisa completely out of ordinary toast ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case36:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Over one million Pet Rocks were sold in 1975, makine Gary Dahl, of Los Gatos, California, a millionaire. He got the idea while joking with friends about his pet that was easy to take care of, which was a rock ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case37:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The name Wendy was made up for the book -Peter Pan.- ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case38:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The first telephone call from the White House was from Rutherford Hayes to Alexander Graham Bell ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case39:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case40:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that By recycling just one glass bottle, the amount of energy that is being saved is enough to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case41:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that One grape vine produce can produce about 20 to 30 glasses of wine ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case42:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Some birds have been know to put ants into their feathers because the ants squirt formic acid, which kills parasites ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case43:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The popular chocolate bar -Three Musketeers- got its name because when it was first introduced in 1932 there were three individual bars. The flavours were strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case44:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that John Van Wormer invented paper milk cartons after dropping a bottle of milk one morning. The bottle broke spilling the milk everywhere. That annoyance was enough for Van Wormer to come up with the idea. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case45:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Corned beef got its name because this beef was preserved with pellets of salt that were the size of corn kernels, which was also referred to as -corns- of salt ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case46:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that A seven year old boy was the first person to survive the Horeshoe Falls (Niagara Falls) in just a life jacke",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case47:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The reason why bubble gum is pink is because the inventor only had pink colouring left. Ever since then, the colour of bubble gum has been predominantly pink ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case48:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that Ninety-nine percent of pumpkins sold in the United States are for the sole purpose of decoration ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case49:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that David McConnell started the California Perfume Company (CPC) in 1886. Today the company is known as Avon, which he named after his favorite playwright William Shakespeare, and Stratford on Avon",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case50:announce"[The Fact] Do you know that The most expensive perfume in the world is Parfum VI, which was made by Arthur Burnham. A 4 inch bottle which is covered with diamonds and 24-carat gold costs $71,380 ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case51:announce"[The Fact] The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case52:announce"[The Fact] In Holland, you can be fined for not using a shopping basket at a grocery store!",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case53:announce"[The Fact] In West Virginia if you run over an animal, you can legally take it home and cook it for dinner!",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case54:announce"[The Fact] It is illegal to purchase or consume Jack Daniel's Whiskey in the town in which it is produced!",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case55:announce"[The Fact] The scientific term for the common tomato is lycopersicon lycopersicum, which means ?wolf peach.?",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case56:announce"[The Fact] The oldest almost-complete manuscript of the Bible still existing is the Codex Vaticanus, dating from the first half of the 4th century, now held in the Vatican library.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case57:announce"[The Fact] The word ?Lord? appears 1855 times in the Bible.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case58:announce"[The Fact] The raven is the first bird mention in the Bible. It appears in Genesis 8:7, when it is sent out from the ark by Noah to see if the flood waters have abated. The second bird was a dove, in verse 8.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case59:announce"[The Fact] Summer on Uranus lasts for 21 years ? but so does winter.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case60:announce"[The Fact] Hurricanes, tornadoes and bigger bodies of water always go clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. This directional spinning has to do with the rotation of the earth and is called the Coriolis force.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case61:announce"[The Fact] Although the Angel Falls are much taller than the Niagara Falls, the latter are much wider, and they both pour about the same amount of water over their edges ? about 2,8 billion litres (748 million gallons) per second.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case62:announce"[The Fact] The tallest mountain on earth is under the ocean: Mauna Kea in Hawaii is 10,200 metres (33,465 ft) high. Mount Everest is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) high.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case63:announce"[The Fact] There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos. It increases the sense of freedom, a disconnect from reality and thus, increases the dollars spent gambling.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case64:announce"[The Fact] The only city whose name can be spelled completely with vowels is Aiea, Hawaii, located approximately twelve miles west of Honolulu.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case65:announce"[The Fact] A tiger's tongue is so rough it can lick the paint off of a building.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case66:announce"[The Fact] If a rainbow is seen from a plane, it is possible to see the rainbow as an entire circle and not just an arc.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case67:announce"[The Fact] There are over 500,000 craters on the moon that can be seen from the planet Earth. It would take over 400 hours to count them all, not including the ones on the far side of the moon.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case68:announce"[The Fact] Canada is directly south of Detroit, Michigan.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case69:announce"[The Fact] The average person spends three years of his or her life on a toilet.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case70:announce"[The Fact] You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case71:announce"[The Fact] Phobatrivaphobia is fear of trivia about phobias.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case72:announce"[The Fact] 160 cars can drive side by side on the Monumental Axis in Brazil, the world's widest road.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case73:announce"[The Fact] The average life span of a hermit crab is 75 years.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case74:announce"[The Fact] The University of Alaska stretches over 4 time zones.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case75:announce"[The Fact] Queen Elizabeth II has a rubber duck in her private bath with an inflatable crown.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case76:announce"[The Fact] Traces of cocaine were found on 99% of UK bank notes in a survey in London in 2000.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case77:announce"[The Fact] At age 18, the Queen of England was a mechanic for the British Military.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case78:announce"[The Fact] Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case79:announce"[The Fact] In Kentucky, 50% of the people who get married for the first time are teenagers.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case80:announce"[The Fact] In Tibet it is considered good manners to stick out your tongue at someone.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case81:announce"[The Fact] A survey reported that 12% of Americans think that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case82:announce"[The Fact] In the 1930's, American track star Jesse Owens used to race against horses and dogs to earn a living.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case83:announce"[The Fact] The Muppet Show was banned from Saudi Arabian TV becuase one if its stars was a pig.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case84:announce"[The Fact] An olive tree can live up to 1,500 years.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case85:announce"[The Fact] In 1976 an LA secretary named Jannene Swift officially married a 50 pound rock in a ceremony witnessed by more than 20 people.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case86:announce"[The Fact] A shrimp's heart is in its head.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case87:announce"[The Fact] Sharon Stone is allergic to caffeine.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case88:announce"[The Fact] Bacteria that cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and leprosy can be cured with cashews.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case89:announce"[The Fact] Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case90:announce"[The Fact] German soldiers, both heterosexual and homosexual, are allowed to have sex with each other.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case91:announce"[The Fact] Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case92:announce"[The Fact] 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case94:announce"[The Fact] In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case95:announce"[The Fact] Ancient Romans at one time used human urine as an ingredient in their toothpaste.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case96:announce"[The Fact] 2,500 newborn babies will be dropped in the next month.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case97:announce"[The Fact] A blue whale's heart is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case98:announce"[The Fact] Elephants, lions, and camels roamed Alaska 12,000 years ago.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case99:announce"[The Fact] 1/3 of Taiwanese funeral processions include a stripper.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case100:announce"[The Fact] The Australian $5,$10,$20,$50 and $100 notes are made out of plastic. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case101:announce"[The Fact] In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case102:announce"[The Fact] Perspiration is odorless; it is the bacteria on the skin that creates an odor.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case103:announce"[The Fact] Spider monkeys like banana daiquiris.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case104:announce"[The Fact] In 1954, Bob Hawke was immortalized by the Guinness Book of Records for chugging 2.5 pints of beer in 12 seconds.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case105:announce"[The Fact] Iguanas have two penises.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case106:announce"[The Fact] Contrary to popular belief, the first ironclad warships were built by Korea in the 16th century. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case107:announce"[The Fact] The word 'News' is actually an acronym standing for the 4 cardinal compass points - North, East, West, and South.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case108:announce"[The Fact] The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the he/she graduates from high school.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case109:announce"[The Fact] Most liquid laundry detergents are alive with living organisms that help to break down stains.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case110:announce"[The Fact] Panophobia is the fear of everything.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case111:announce"[The Fact] At age 70, more than 70 percent of men are still potent",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case112:announce"[The Fact] In Albania, nodding your head means 'no' and shaking your head means 'yes'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case113:announce"[The Fact] The average single man is one inch shorter than the average married man",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case114:announce"[The Fact] Bacteria that cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and leprosy can be cured with cashews",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case115:announce"[The Fact] The odds of getting a hole-in-one in golf are estimated at about 18,000-to-1",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case116:announce"[The Fact] Jennifer Aniston's original name is Jennifer Anastassakis",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case117:announce"[The Fact] You inhale about 700,000 of your own skin flakes each day",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case118:announce"[The Fact] There have been 47 Charlie Chan Movies, with six actors playing the part. None were Chinese",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case119:announce"[The Fact] In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case120:announce"[The Fact] The bagpipe was first made from the liver of a sheep",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case121:announce"[The Fact] A blue whale's heart is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case122:announce"[The Fact] Honolulu is the only place in the United States that has a royal palace",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case123:announce"[The Fact] During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case124:announce"[The Fact] 'Formicophilia' is the fetish for having small insects crawl on your genitals",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case125:announce"[The Fact] A toothbrush within 6 feet of a toilet can get airborne bacteria from flushing",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case126:announce"[The Fact] Originally, Nintendo was a playing card manufacturer",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case127:announce"[The Fact] The first two years of a dog's life are equal to 24 human years",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case128:announce"[The Fact] 85% of all Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case129:announce"[The Fact] Giant Panda Bears give birth to a 4 ounce Baby Panda",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case130:announce"[The Fact] If you cut a 'V' shape into your toe nails, you can prevent 'in-grown' toe nails. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case131:announce"[The Fact] Strawberries have more vitamin c than oranges",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case132:announce"[The Fact] A broken clock is always right twice a day",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case133:announce"[The Fact] Your skin is actually an organ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case134:announce"[The Fact] According to U.S. FDA standards, 1 cup of orange juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only 2 maggots",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case135:announce"[The Fact] An ounce of platinum can be stretched 10,000 feet",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case136:announce"[The Fact] So that's how they cheat - a microwaved baseball will fly farther than a frozen baseball",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case137:announce"[The Fact] The United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the world",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case138:announce"[The Fact] The chances of you dying on the way to get your lottery tickets is greater than your chances of winning",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case139:announce"[The Fact] It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case140:announce"[The Fact] 10 percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case141:announce"[The Fact] One percent of Greenland's population lives in a single apartment building",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case142:announce"[The Fact] China has more English speakers than the United States",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case143:announce"[The Fact] In 1999, Pepsi, Inc. paid $0.00 in income tax",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case144:announce"[The Fact] In 21 U.S. states, WALMART is the single largest employer",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case145:announce"[The Fact] Avocados are poisonous to birds",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case146:announce"[The Fact] In 1980, the city of Detroit presented Saddam Hussein with a key to the city",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case147:announce"[The Fact] Approximately 115 tons of ocean salt spray enters the earth's atmosphere each second",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case148:announce"[The Fact] Approximately $25 million is spent each year on lap dances in Las Vegas",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case149:announce"[The Fact] In the U.S., more than 10% of lottery prizes go unclaimed",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case150:announce"[The Fact] Womens' hearts beat faster than mens'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case151:announce"[The Fact] Some species of fish have voices",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case152:announce"[The Fact] Frogs cannot swallow without blinking",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case153:announce"[The Fact] One barrel of petroleum holds 42 gallons",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case154:announce"[The Fact] Each day, more than $40 Trillion Dollars changes hands worldwide",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case155:announce"[The Fact] Boys who have unusual first names are more likely to have mental problems than boys with conventional names. Girls don't seem to have this problem. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case156:announce"[The Fact] President George W. Bush and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner are cousins",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case157:announce"[The Fact] Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case158:announce"[The Fact] A spider's silk is stronger than steel. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case159:announce"[The Fact] Santa Claus was born in Turkey",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case160:announce"[The Fact] U.S. Presidents Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe all died on the 4th of July",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case161:announce"[The Fact] The most powerful electric eel is found in the rivers of Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, and Peru, and produces a shock of 400-650 volts",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case162:announce"[The Fact] Parrots have 500 pounds per square inch of pressure in their beaks",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case163:announce"[The Fact] No one knows how many people died during the sinking of the Titanic",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case164:announce"[The Fact] The U.S. motto, 'In God We Trust', was not adopted as the national slogan until 1956",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case165:announce"[The Fact] Pollen never deteriorates. It is one of the few natural substances that lasts indefinitely",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case166:announce"[The Fact] The Japanese liquor, Mam, uses venomous snakes as one of its main engredients",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case167:announce"[The Fact] The weight of a carat (200 milligrams), standard unit of measurement for gemstones, is based on the weight of the carob seed",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case168:announce"[The Fact] Any space vehicle must move at a rate of 7 miles per second in order to escape the earth's gravitational pull",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case169:announce"[The Fact] The practice of identifying baseball players by number was started by the Yankees in 1929",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case170:announce"[The Fact] Contrary to popular belief, there are almost no Buddhists in India, nor have there been for about a thousand years",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case171:announce"[The Fact] Females learn to talk earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more quickly than males",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case172:announce"[The Fact] Originally, Du Pont, Inc. was a tiny gun powder mill in New Jersey",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case173:announce"[The Fact] According to studies, men change their minds two to three times more often than women",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case174:announce"[The Fact] President George W. Bush is related to all other U.S. Presidents",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case175:announce"[The Fact] The state of Wyoming is named after a valley in Pennsylvania",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case176:announce"[The Fact] Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case177:announce"[The Fact] To escape the grip of a crocodile's jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs. It will let you go instantly",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case178:announce"[The Fact] Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case179:announce"[The Fact] Until 1857, any foreign coins made of precious metal were legal tender in the United States",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case180:announce"[The Fact] In Nepal, cow dung is used for medicinal purposes",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case181:announce"[The Fact] In ancient England a person could not have sex unless you had consent of the King",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case182:announce"[The Fact] The song 'Strawberry Fields Forever', sung by the Beatles, refers to an orphanage located in Liverpool",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case183:announce"[The Fact] All the swans in England are property of the Queen",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case184:announce"[The Fact] If you flip a coin ten times, the odds against its coming up with the same side showing each time are 1,023 to 1",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case185:announce"[The Fact] More steel in the United States is used to make bottle caps than to manufacture automobile bodies",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case186:announce"[The Fact] A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case187:announce"[The Fact] At one 'feeding', a mosquito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in blood",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case188:announce"[The Fact] Scientists are now able to grow 'beating' heart tissue in a lab",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case189:announce"[The Fact] Spiders have transparent blood",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case190:announce"[The Fact] Liquid TIDE laundry detergent glows under a blacklight",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case191:announce"[The Fact] Rice is the chief food for half the people of the world",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case192:announce"[The Fact] Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case193:announce"[The Fact] Cellophane is not made of plastic. It is made from a plant fiber, cellulose, which has been shredded and aged",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case194:announce"[The Fact] Forensic scientists can determine a person's sex, age, and race by examining a single strand of hair",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case195:announce"[The Fact] According to U.S. laws, a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking beer",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case196:announce"[The Fact] The hair of an adult man or woman can stretch 25 percent of its length without breaking",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case197:announce"[The Fact] Moist air holds heat better than dry air",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case198:announce"[The Fact] Marlboro cigarettes sold in New York contain more tar and nicotine than those sold in all other states",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case199:announce"[The Fact] The Yo-Yo originated as a weapon in the Philippine Islands during the sixteenth century",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case200:announce"[The Fact] German chemists made a replica of a trophy the size of one molecule",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case201:announce"[The Fact] Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case202:announce"[The Fact] Contrary to popular belief, hair does not grow back darker and thicker after it has been shaved",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case203:announce"[The Fact] Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case204:announce"[The Fact] Jumbo jets use 4,000 gallons of fuel to take off ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case205:announce"[The Fact] On average women can hear better than men",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case206:announce"[The Fact] The MGM Grand Hotel of Las Vegas washes 15,000 pillowcases per day",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case207:announce"[The Fact] The moon is actually moving away from Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case208:announce"[The Fact] In Australia, Burger King is called Hungry Jack's",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case209:announce"[The Fact] Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case210:announce"[The Fact] Jacksonville, Florida, has the largest total area of any city in the United States",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case211:announce"[The Fact] The largest diamond ever found was an astounding 3,106 carats",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case212:announce"[The Fact] A comet's tail always points away from the sun",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case213:announce"[The Fact] The lense of the eye continues to grow throughout a person's life",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case214:announce"[The Fact] The average temperature at 40,000 feet above sea level is -60 F",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case215:announce"[The Fact] Contrary to popular belief, lightning travels from the ground upwards not from the sky downwards",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case216:announce"[The Fact] When young and impoverished, Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning his own paintings. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case217:announce"[The Fact] SONY was originally called 'Totsuken'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case218:announce"[The Fact] Polar bear fur is not white, it's clear. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case219:announce"[The Fact] The first Ford cars had Dodge engines. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case220:announce"[The Fact] A fully loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes a least twenty minutes to stop. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case221:announce"[The Fact] No matter its size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than 8 times",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case222:announce"[The Fact] According to Gaming Law, casinos have to stock enough cash to cover all the chips on the 'floor'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case223:announce"[The Fact] The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case224:announce"[The Fact] From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula One Racecar for about 30 feet",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case225:announce"[The Fact] The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case226:announce"[The Fact] In some parts of England, rum is used to wash a baby's head for good luck",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case227:announce"[The Fact] Club Direct, a travel insurance company in Britain, provides insurance plans for protection from falling coconuts",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case228:announce"[The Fact] A small airplane can fly backwards",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case229:announce"[The Fact] In the early 1960's, Porsche commercially manufactured farm tractors",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case230:announce"[The Fact] Originally, BMW was an airplane engine manufacturer",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case231:announce"[The Fact] Any modern jet is capable of breaking the sound barrier",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case232:announce"[The Fact] Identify a fake: The second hand on an authentic Rolex watch doesn't tick, it moves smoothly",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case233:announce"[The Fact] Today's top fuel dragsters take off with more force than the space shuttle",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case234:announce"[The Fact] In the U.S., for every dollar you spend on gasoline 27 cents of it is in taxes",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case235:announce"[The Fact] 2 out of 3 adults in the United States have hemorrhoids",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case236:announce"[The Fact] Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case237:announce"[The Fact] Vaccines contain formaldehyde, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (disinfectant / pesticide), and aluminum",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case238:announce"[The Fact] The typical spec of dust that you see floating in the air is half way in size between the Earth and a subatomic particle",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case239:announce"[The Fact] Louisiana is the only state that grows in land area every year (Due to alluvial deposits from the Mississippi River)",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case240:announce"[The Fact] People in parts of Western China put salt in their tea instead of sugar",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case241:announce"[The Fact] Tablecloths were originally meant to serve as towels with which guests could wipe their hands and faces after dinner",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case242:announce"[The Fact] The oil used by jewelers to lubricate clocks and watches costs about $3,000 a gallon",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case243:announce"[The Fact] Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case244:announce"[The Fact] Adult movie star, Ron Jeremy, has a master's degree in Special Education",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case245:announce"[The Fact] Tipping at a restaurant in Iceland is considered an insult",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case246:announce"[The Fact] Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case247:announce"[The Fact] A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case248:announce"[The Fact] Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case249:announce"[The Fact] Rubberbands last longer when refrigerated",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case250:announce"[The Fact] A blue whale's aorta (the main blood vessel) is large enough for a human to crawl through",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case251:announce"[The Fact] Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case252:announce"[The Fact] There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case253:announce"[The Fact] The United States Postal Service handles over forty percent of the world's mail volume",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case254:announce"[The Fact] A 100-pound person on Earth would weigh 38 pounds on Mars",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case255:announce"[The Fact] Almonds are a member of the peach family",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case256:announce"[The Fact] It takes the same amount of time to age a cigar as wine",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case257:announce"[The Fact] Leonardo DiCaprio got his first ?onscreen kiss? from a man",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case258:announce"[The Fact] An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case259:announce"[The Fact] When Britney Spears books into hotels she uses the name 'Allota Warmheart' so that nobody will recognize her",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case260:announce"[The Fact] In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch or clock is usually 10:10",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case261:announce"[The Fact] The average life span of a peasant during the medieval ages was 25 years",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case262:announce"[The Fact] A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case263:announce"[The Fact] The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case264:announce"[The Fact] The average horse jockey earns only $9 per race",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case265:announce"[The Fact] In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case266:announce"[The Fact] Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case267:announce"[The Fact] French was the official language of England for over 600 years",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case268:announce"[The Fact] During the 1600's, boys and girls in England wore dresses until they were about seven years old",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case269:announce"[The Fact] Contrary to popular belief, putting sugar in a car's gas tank will NOT ruin its engine",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case270:announce"[The Fact] The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case271:announce"[The Fact] More than 2,500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case272:announce"[The Fact] Check your map! Virginia extends farther west than West Virginia",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case273:announce"[The Fact] The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case274:announce"[The Fact] In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the stock market",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case275:announce"[The Fact] The average life span of a major league baseball is 5-7 pitches",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case276:announce"[The Fact] Instead of a birthday cake, many children in Russia are given a birthday pie",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case277:announce"[The Fact] The Wild Turkey is the only bird with a beard",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case278:announce"[The Fact] Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison were all 27 years old when they died",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case279:announce"[The Fact] A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute on average",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case280:announce"[The Fact] Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case281:announce"[The Fact] Pierce Brosnan once worked with the circus as a fire eater",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case282:announce"[The Fact] It's against the law to pawn your dentures in Las Vegas",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case283:announce"[The Fact] Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case284:announce"[The Fact] A jellyfish is 95 percent water",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case285:announce"[The Fact] In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an 'Honorary Harlem Globetrotter.'" ,bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case286:announce"[The Fact] The blesbok, a South African antelope, is almost the same color as grapejuice",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case287:announce"[The Fact] Henry Ford produced the model T only in black because the black paint available at the time was the fastest to dry",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; case288:announce"[The Fact] A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case289:announce"[The Fact] More Monopoly money is printed in a year, than real money printed throughout the world",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case290:announce"[The Fact] A pipe 2 feet in diameter will allow four times more fluid to pass through it than a pipe 1 foot in diameter",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case291:announce"[The Fact] Clocks made before 1660 had only one hand - an hour hand",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case292:announce"[The Fact] No one knows who designed the first American Flag",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case293:announce"[The Fact] Bats always turn left when exiting a cave",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case294:announce"[The Fact] The average yearly salary of a DJ you listen to on the radio is only $20,000",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case295:announce"[The Fact] In England, in the 1880's, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case296:announce"[The Fact] Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case297:announce"[The Fact] A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case298:announce"[The Fact] When you eat too much, your hearing becomes less sharp",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case299:announce"[The Fact] Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the morning",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case300:announce"[The Fact] Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case301:announce"[The Fact] You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case302:announce"[The Fact] That the scientific term for Nose Bleed is Epistaxis",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case303:announce"[The Fact] Butterflies taste with their feet",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case304:announce"[The Fact] In Mexico, the Tooth Fairy is known as the 'Tooth Mouse'",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case305:announce"[The Fact] Some lions mate over 50 times a day",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case306:announce"[The Fact] Bob Hope and Billy Joel were both once boxers",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case307:announce"[The Fact] The universally popular Hershey bar was used overseas during World War II as currency. ",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case308:announce"[The Fact] The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 ft",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case309:announce"[The Fact] Bananas aren't fruit! They are a type of herb",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;case310:announce"[The Fact] Albert Einstien never wore any socks.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end;}end;}