viewing paste Shadow Chaser Skills | Text

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Fatal Menace
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Hit penalty: - (35 - 5 * Skill Level)
AoE: 3x3
Damage formula = ATK {(Skill Level + 1) x 100 x Caster’s Base Level / 100} %
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Coped skill level: (Reproduce skill level)
Skills copied from Reproduce ability will cost 200% SP
Auto Shadow Spell
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: (4.4 - 0.4 * Skill Level) seconds
Duration: (40 + 20 * Skill Level) seconds, 300 seconds at level 10
Activation chance: (30 - 2 * Skill Level) %, 15% at level 10
Activated skill level: Level 1 ~ 2: level 1
Level 3 ~ 4: level 2
Level 5 ~ 6: level 3
Level 7 ~ 8: level 4
Level 9 ~ 10: level 5
Shadow Form
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Number of hits: (4 + 1 * Skill Level)
Duration: (20 + 10 * Skill Level) seconds
Detecting skills such as Ruwach and Sight have a chance of removing Shadow Form. Higher level of Shadow Form have a chance of resisting detecting skills. Shadow Form removal success chance is calculated once every 2 seconds.
Removal success formula = [100 - (Skill Level x 10)] %
Triangle Shot
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Knockback chance: (1 + 1 * Skill Level) %
Knockback distance: 3 cells
ATK [{(Skill Level - 1) x (Caster’s AGI / 2) + 300} x (Caster’s Base Level / 120)] %
Strip Accessory
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Strip duration: (50 + 10 * Skill Level) seconds
Strip chance: (12 + 2 * Skill Level) %
Paint Body
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: 5x5
Blind chance: (53 + 2 * Skill Level) %
ASPD reduction chance: (20 + 5 * Skill Level) %
ASPD reduction: (Skill Level x 5) %
ASPD reduction duration: (3 + 2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: (10 + 10 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
CRIT bonus: (20 * Skill Level) %
ASPD reduction: - (50 - 10 * Skill Level) %
SP drain: (12 - 2 * Skill Level) % per second
Detecting skills or damage taken will not bring the Caster out of Invisibility.
Deadly Infect
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Infection chance: (30 + 10 * Skill Level) %
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
When the Caster attacks a target in close-range or receives close-range attack, Deadly Infect will activate at a certain rate, transferring the status effect(s).
Masquerade: Enervation
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
ATK reduction: - (20 + 10 * Skill Level) %
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot be used on Boss monsters.
Masquerade: Gloomy
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
ASPD reduction: - (20 + 10 * Skill Level) %
HIT reduction: - (20 * Skill Level) %
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot be used on Boss monsters.
Masquerade: Ignorance
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
SP drain: 100 * Skill Level
SP leech: 50 * Skill Level
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot be used on Boss monsters.
Masquerade: Laziness
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
Movement Speed Reduction
Casting Time increase
FLEE Reduction
SP Cost increase
Equivalent to Decrease AGI
+10 SP
+20 SP
+30 SP
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot be used on Boss monsters.
Masquerade: Unlucky
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
CRIT reduction
Perfect Dodge reduction
Zeny loss per skill
Special status effect(s)
- 10
- 10
- 20
- 20
Poiosn / Bind
- 30
- 30
Poison / Blind / Silence
Special status effect chance: 100%
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot affect Boss monsters.
Masquerade: Weakness
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
Max HP reduction: (10 * Skill Level) %
Weapon/Shield Strip
{(Caster’s Base Level / 10) + Random number between [(Caster’s DEX / 12) ~ (Caster’s DEX / 4)] + (Caster’s Job Level) + (Skill Level x 10) - < (Target’s Base Level / 10) + [Random number between [(Target’s AGI / 6) ~ (Target’s AGI / 3)] + (Target’s LUK / 10) + [(Target’s Maximum Weight - Current weight) / 100]>] %
Minimum of (Skill Level + (DEX / 20)) % success rate.
Cannot affect Boss monsters
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 3x3
Duration: (5 * Skill Level) seconds
Cannot be placed under a target.
Manhole cannot be placed near another Manhole’s effective range.
Targets trapped in Manhole will be unable to move / attack / use skill or items for the skill duration.
Dimension Door
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: (4 * Skill Level) seconds
Will only affect the Caster, party and guild members.
Cannot be placed under a target
Chaos Panic
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 5x5
Duration: (5 * Skill Level) seconds
Success chance: (35 + 15 * Skill Level) %
Chaos duration: (4 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 5x5
Duration: (7 * Skill Level) seconds
SP recovery: {(Maesltrom Skill Level x Absorbed Skill Level) + (Caster’s Job Level / 5)} / 2
Absorbs traps and monster skills however Caster does not regenerate SP.
Bloody Lust
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 7x7
Duration: (10 * Skill Level) seconds
Inflicts Berserker status on all targets that walk on Bloody Lust. Berserker status is equivalent to Lord Knight Skill: [Frenzy].
This status effect will end immediately when targets walk out of Bloody Lust.
Feint Bomb
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
AoE: 5x5
Backslide distance: (3 * Skill Level) cells
Enters hiding status after backslide
Damage: ATK [(Skill Level + 1) x (Caster’s DEX / 2) x (Caster’s Job Level / 10) x Caster’s Base Level / 120)] %
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