viewing paste Warlock Skills | Text

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White Imprison
Skill re-use Delay: 4 seconds
Duration: On Players, (4 + 2 * Skill Level), reduced by stat (requires formula)
On Monsters, 15 second - {[Monster’s VIT + LUK] / 20} = duration
Global Skill Delay: None
Success Chance: On self, 100%
On Monsters, (40 + 10 * Skill Level) %
On Players, (20 + 10 * Skill Level) %
White imprison can only be used to imprison (White Imprison Skill Level) targets at a time.
Soul Expansion
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 3: 3x3
Level 4 ~ 5: 5x5
MATK [{( Skill Level + 4 ) x 100 ) + ( Caster’s INT )} x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
Deals twice the amount of damage on White Imprisoned targets
Frosty Misty
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 second
Variable Cast Time: (1.5 + 0.5 * Skill Level)
Skill re-use Delay: 4 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: 19x19
Freezing chance: (25 + 5 * Skill Level) %
MATK [{( Skill Level x 100 ) + 200 } x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
Freezing duration: 6 second Fixed + [ 7 second - { (Target’s VIT + DEX) / 20} second]
(Lasts minimum of 6 second)
Freezing status effect: - 50% movement speed / - 15% attack speed / + 15% Variable Cast Time, - 10% DEF.
Jack Frost
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: (1.5 + 0.5 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1: 11x11
Level 2: 13x13
Level 3: 15x15
Level 4: 17x17
Level 5: 19x19
This skill will always inflict Frozen status at 100% chance.
(Targets not in Freezing status)
= MATK [{( Skill Level x 100 ) + 500 )} x ( Caster’s Base Level / 150 )] %
(Targets in Freezing status)
= MATK [{( Skill Level x 300 ) + 1000 )} x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
Marsh of Abyss
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 second
Variable Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: None
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Movement reduction: - (10 * Skill Level) %
AGI/DEX reduction on players: - (3 * Skill Level) %
AGI/DEX reduction on monsters: - (6 * Skill Level) %
Skill duration is: 5 second (Fixed) + 25 second - {( INT + LUK ) / 20 second }
(If this value is negative, set to 0)
Marsh of Abyss will remove Acolyte Skill: Increase AGI, Sniper Skill: Wind Walk, and Attack speed increasing potions.
Movement penalty can stack with other movement slowing effects such as Quagmire, however player’s movement speed cannot be brought below 50%.
Recognized Spell
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: (20 + 30 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (30 + 30 * Skill Level) seconds
Sienna Execrate
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: Level 1: 3x3
Level 2 ~ 3: 5x5
Level 4 ~ 5: 7x7
Success Chance: (45 + 5 * Skill Level) %
Petrification status duration from Sienna Execrate is not affected by Target’s STAT
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: 300 seconds
Bonus Cast range: (Skill Level) cell(s)
Fixed Cast reduction: [{(Caster’s INT / 15) + (Caster’s Base Level / 15) + (Radius Skill Level x 5)}] %
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 3 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 minutes
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: Level 1: 19x19
Level 2: 21x21
Level 3: 23x23
Level 4: 25x25
Level 5: 27x27
Duration: 5 second (fixed) + { Stasis Skill level * 5 - (Target’s VIT + DEX) / 20 }
(If this value becomes negative, the duration is set to 0)
Drain Life
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 4 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
HP Leech: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) %
Success Chance: (70 + 5 * Skill Level) %
MATK [{( Skill Level x 200 ) + ( Caster’s INT ) } x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
Crimson Rock
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 5 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 7x7
Stun chance: 40%
MATK [{( Skill Level x 300 ) x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 ) + 1300 }] %
Hell Inferno
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 3 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Burning chance: (55 + 5 * Skill Level) %
(Shadow Element)
= MATK [{( Skill Level x 300 ) x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 ) x 4/5 }] %
(Fire Element)
= MATK [{( Skill Level x 300 ) x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 ) /5 }] %
Burning Status:
Deals 1000 + (Target’s MHP 3%) damage every 3 seconds.
Reduces the target’s MDEF by 25%.
15 second base duration, reducible by STAT. 5 second minimum duration.
Chain Lightning
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: (3 + 0.5 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: None
Global Skill Delay: 3 seconds
Number of chains: (4 + 1 * Skill Level)
MATK [{( Skill Level x 100 ) + 500 } x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
Every time it bounces, damage will increase by + MATK [100 x (9 - Total bounces)] %
After damaging the primary target, if there is another enemy within 5x5 range, it will bounce to the other target.
After 2 bounces, it will bounce to other targets in 7x7 range.
Fixed Cast Time: (0.5 + 0.5 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (9 + 1 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
AoE: 19x19
Burning Chance: 100%
Burning duration: 15 seconds
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
7 x 7 cell
11 x 11 cell
15 x 15 cell
19 x 19 cell
If there is another Warlock party member within 7 x 7 range of the Caster, the following changes occur.-
Warlock party member will incur 1/2 of the SP cost from comet. If there are more than 1  Warlock party member in the area, a random Warlock will be chosen.
Both the Caster and Warlock party member must have learned Comet.
When the above conditions are met, Comet will deal the following fixed damage in 19 x 19 cell,
= MATK [{( Skill Level x 400 ) x ( Caster’s Base Level / 120 )} + 2500 ] %
Earth Strain
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: (1 + 1 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 10 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
MATK [{( Skill Level x 100 ) + 2000 } x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %
AoE: Level 1: 15 x 5
Level 2: 15 x 6
Level 3: 15 x 7
Level 4: 15 x 8
Level 5: 15 x 9
Strip Chance: Level 1: 6%
Level 2: 14%
Level 3: 24%
Level 4: 36%
Level 5: 50%
Tetra Vortex
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: (4 + 1 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 15 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
Status effect chance: 100%
MATK (500 + 500 * Skill Level) % * 4
Summon Fire/Lightning/Water/Stone
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Duration: (80 + 40 * Skill Level) seconds
Reading Spellbook
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Freezing Spell
(Skill Level x 4) + (Caster’s Base Level / 10) + (Caster’s INT / 10)
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