// -- Pile Bunker Quest
// -- iRO WiKi Link: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Pile_Bunker_quest
// -- Coded by: Gennosuke Kouga
// -- Offical Dialogs - Server iRO Valkyrie
// -- Gomer NPC
yuno,179,174,4 script Gomer 851,{
if( BaseClass == Job_Merchant )
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "So? What does it feel like to be on a Madogear?";
mes "It's something that's not allowed for those who failed to seek out their own path.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Me? I retired a long time ago. Because I got into an accident... got badly hurt and won't be able to ride again. I am upset about it.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "So I've decided to stay here forging gears for Madogear.";
mes "Huh? I'm not saying I have any complaints about this work.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Forced to do something you don't like, there is nothing more miserable than that.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "There are people who are happy just being props you know like being the wall for someone to lean on.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "That makes me feel good and I am about to make a new gear and I want you to help me. What do you say?";
switch( select("I am not that interested.", "What are you going to make?", "Where do you get meterials?", "I brought materials.") )
case 1:
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Nothing I can do";
mes "about it then.";
mes "See you next time!";
case 2:
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Um, a huge metal stick that could smash an opponent in one hit!";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "It doesn't look fancy but I've designed a spring-loaded device to attack with great strength.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "It's kept in concealed, and when you find a chance, so one shot could put an opponent in critical condition!";
mes "I can't wait to see it in action!";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "If you were to imagine how good this kind of weapon could be, I will make it come true.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Bring me 200 Steel / 30 Flexible Tubes/ and 1 Brocca. These are the least things that I need. I could make what I just described with those materials.";
case 3:
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "You should be able get steel from many monsters like Kobolds.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Flexible Tubes are more rare, get Metalings around Einbroch and Lighthalzen.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Lastly, finding a Brocca would be very hard, but you should be able to do something about it. Haha go get it!";
case 4:
if( countitem(1549) > 0 )
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "So how's that Pilebuncker working out for you?";
else if( countitem(1415) < 1 || countitem(999) < 200 || countitem(7325) < 30 )
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "You haven't brought all of the materials that I asked for.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "I have a habit of giving up what I've been making and trying to make new things when the inspiration ever comes up.";
mes "So you'd better hurry!";
} else {
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Oh, I've been waiting. You didn't come on time, I was wondering if you forgot about it. Please wait there little bit.";
// -- NPC Gomer (2) uses effect: Unknown #101
specialeffect 101;
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "It's done. What do you think? Not bad eh? Although I made it myself, I have to say it's pretty decently done.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Combination of weight, volume and look at its color and gloss. It catches my heart!";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "...........";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "...............................(startled!)";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Uh, with little improvement, it could be mass produced and delivered. I'm sure I can make more of these so I will give this one to you.";
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "Oh and it turns out that I didn't need all that Steel after all. So here take most of it back.";
// -- Inventory Item Removed: Steel (1) x 50
delitem 999, 50; // -- Steel
// -- Inventory Item Removed: Flexible Tube (6) x 30
delitem 7325, 30; // -- Flexible Tube
// -- Inventory Item Removed: Brocca (12) x 1
delitem 1415, 1; // -- Brocca
// -- Item added to inventory: Pile Bunker (12) x 1 - Armor
getitem 1549, 1; // -- Pile Bunker
// -- Item added to inventory: Two-handed Axe [1] (17) x 1 - Weapon
getitem 1360, 1; // -- Two-handed Axe [1]
mes "[ Gomer ]";
mes "I'm a retired Mechanic and I don't think I have any business with you.";